High levels of stress, chronically held tension and traumatic experiences get stored in the body and it’s nervous system, and NOT the mind, manifesting through chronic muscular tension, anxiety, panic attacks, irritability, anger, rage, chronic pain, stomach problems, tension headaches, lower back pain and sleep difficulties to name a few.
Tension and Trauma Release Exercises -TRE® created by Dr. David Berceli, activate the body’s inherent mechanism that releases stress and trauma trapped in the body and calms down an over activated nervous system without having to talk about your experiences. The method consists of a simple set of exercises that evoke inherent bodily tremors, shaking, or stretching that generates in the pelvic area of the psoas muscles and reverberate outward along the spine, releasing stress and tension, from the sacrum to the cranium, restoring the body and mind back to a calm, balanced and relaxed state. Learn more about TRE® here.
Even though TRE® is predominantly used as an effective tool for releasing traumatic stress, chronic physical tension, emotional trauma and PTSD symptoms, it is also quickly becoming a popular way to release the accumulation of every-day stress and to improve flexibility and mobility for for all sport related activities; yoga, pilates, running, cycling and more.​​​​
Not suitable to attend during pregnancy, or for those who suffer from epilepsy/seizures, have had a recent surgery or can't perform simple leg exercises. Covid-19 protocols will be followed.
This workshop is suitable for newcomers and for those with the TRE® experience. Space is limited to a small group in order to maintain the integrity of the workshop and for personal attention.
Sat 9th July 9:00 - 11:30 CONSTANTIA Wellbeing Investment: R399 BOOK HERE
“Trauma is actually NOT the story of what happened a long time ago; trauma is the residue that’s living inside of you now; causing uncomfortable sensations, panic reactions, anxiety, depression, uptight-ness, explosions, anger, physical emotional pain and negative impulses.” Dr Bessel Van der Kolk
Recent advancements in the treatment of trauma have shown that accidents, life threatening diagnosis, childhood trauma, divorce, narcissistic abuse, losing a home, assault, burglary, sexual abuse, sudden loss of a loved one, difficult relationships and life challenging circumstances can embed themselves into our bodies and it's nervous system and linger years after the event. This prolonged state of the nervous system overload will eventually lead to anxiety, anger, irritability, rage, interpersonal conflict, tension headaches, insomnia, loss of productivity and wear down the resilience of the immune system. It can also lead to autoimmune conditions and other diseases.
This is because highly stressful experiences trigger an instinctive and intricate interactions of biological, neurological and nervous system reactions that can leave the body and mind in a constant state of fear, hyper-arousal and body/mind disconnection even years after the traumatic event has passed. This is especially so when we have experienced situations of extreme stress that cause us to fight, flee or freeze in order to cope.
This introductory workshop has been created with this in mind and provides a safe platform from where a small group of women come together to explore self-help interventions and somatic approaches that can release the residue of stress and trauma trapped in the body and it's nervous system, without talking about trauma. Methods introduced can also regulate the body's internal states, repair the connection between mind and body, reconnect neural pathways, and alleviate trauma related triggers and symptoms.
Interventions practiced will be Tension & Trauma Release Exercises®, cue controlled relaxation technique, body postures that calm down an over activated nervous system, vagus nerve stimulation exercises and breath work that can change your biochemistry increases your pH levels and makes the body alkaline and more able to fight disease. Participants will also receive trauma informed information that is easy to understand and apply in everyday life.
Methods that will be shared have been informed by science, personal experience, and various teachings from professionals in a field of trauma and neurology that hold understanding of what’s going on in the brain, body and the nervous system of someone who experienced trauma and how best to recover without having to spend years in talk therapy or having to rely on pharmaceuticals.
~ Better understand the neurology and physiology of trauma and how it gets trapped in the body and it's nervous system.
~ Practice Trauma Release Exercises-TRE®, x2 sessions, created by a traumatologist Dr. David Berceli, that activate neurogenic tremors/shaking which is the body’s inherent way of releasing stress and trauma and returning itself back to a calm, balanced and relaxed state. learn more about TRE here.
~ Learn breath work that can self-regulate and manipulate the body's biochemistry, activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest/digest) and reduce acidity in the body, making it more alkaline and better able to fight disease, inflammation, stress and the residue of trauma.
~ Learn cue-controlled therapeutic and a science backed relaxation technique which is a type of classical conditioning that pairs a state of instant calming of your autonomic nervous system with a one word of your choosing. This technique can help you instantly lower anxiety levels and enable you to be more at ease with yourself and with the world around you while using only one word, no matter where you are.
~ Learn simple body movements and postures that calm the busy mind and can open up frozen areas in the body, like the chest and diaphragm, and can better assist the body's tremoring process and it's release.
~ Learn grounding exercises that can instantly help you centre and anchor yourself to the present moment and take your mind off thoughts that are causing you distress. These are particularly helpful if you are experiencing flashbacks, anxiety and dissociation.
~ Gain insight into the role of the Vagus nerve, the governor of the parasympathetic nervous system which helps control the body’s relaxation responses, and learn how to stimulate it's activity to counteract the stress response and calm the busy mind.
- Discover how to free up a life force that can restore your body to it's natural state of wholeness and wellbeing and walk away feeling lighter and more re-connected to your healthy, strong and well balanced self.
Please note: This workshop is NOT a talk therapy or a QUICK FIX PROGRAM. The main aim is to introduce you to self-help tools and somatic approaches that can help you better manage and recover from symptoms of the unresolved, frozen and unspoken part of stress and trauma trapped in the body without pharmaceuticals or having to talk about trauma.
The Release Heal Renew program will be facilitated by Metka Zurman, a life coach, Trauma Release Exercise® provider and mentor and complex trauma survivor who has found personal recovery from lower back pain, anxiety, PTSD and depression through the use of self-help interventions shared during this workshop.
Best suitable to attend if you are experiencing:
Feeling anxious, overwhelmed & stressed by little things
Have general anxiety or panic attacks
Feel regular irritability, rage, excessive anger
Suffering from:
Tension Headaches
Digestive issues
Chronic Pain
Vagus nerve issues
Recovering from:
Not suitable to attend during pregnancy, if you suffer from seizures, have just had a major surgery or can't perform simple leg exercises. To maintain the integrity of the workshop and for personal attention space is limited to a small group. Women Only.
Dates: 17th July 2022
Time: 9:30 - 16:30
Constantia. Cape Town. Women Only.
Health Investment: R999
Booking essential due to limited space and personal attention.
There is much that can be done to self-improve our well-being, and particularly within the realm of the unconscious processes of the mind-body continuum and TRE® represents one such potential method.
TRE® - Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises created by David Berceli Ph.D, is an effective stress, tension and trauma releasing method that consists of helping you learn a simple set of exercises that evoke self-induced bodily tremors. These gentle and pleasant tremors generate in the pelvic area and reverberate outward along the spine, releasing stress and tension from the sacrum to the cranium and can restore the body and it's nervous system back to a calm, balanced and relaxed state. TRE® exercises are simple and adaptable to suit individual fitness and physical capabilities and are being successfully used by individuals and professionals from all walks of life.
It's approach offers both, short-term and long-term recovery benefits, as the release of specific tension patterns in the body provides immediate relief, while the on-going use of the technique can enhance one’s resilience to cope with unavoidable future stresses and traumas. And even though TRE® is predominantly used as an effective tool for releasing traumatic stress, chronic physical tension, emotional trauma and PTSD symptoms, it is also quickly becoming a popular way to release the accumulation of every-day stress and to improve flexibility and mobility for sport related activities like yoga, cycling, running and more.
During this workshop you will learn how to safely practice this method for yourself in a safe and effective manner. Breath work and other therapeutic techniques that calm the busy mind, lower anxiety, manipulate the body's biochemistry and open up the frozen areas in the body, will be also included as well as gaining insight into the role of the Vagus nerve, the governor of the parasympathetic nervous system which helps control the body’s relaxation responses and how to stimulate it's activity to counteract the stress response and calm the busy mind.
Suitable for anyone who would like to release stress and trauma trapped in the body, strengthen the nervous system, regulate emotions and would like to feel more resourceful, less overwhelmed and be more at ease with themselves and with the world around them .
Facilitator: Metka Zurman a Life/Trauma Coach, Trauma Release Exercise® provider and mentor.
Venue: Constantia | Dates:
Friday 29th Jul 16:00 - 19:00
Saturday 30th Jul 9:00 - 16:30
Sunday 31th Jul 9:00 - 16:30
Wellbeing Investment: R2499. Booking essential as space is limited to a small group.
Drumming as a tool in therapeutic practice is getting increasing attention as the body of research supporting its positive impact mounts.The current medical research is now verifying what the shamans of Mongolia and the Minianka healers of West Africa have known for thousands of years; that drumming is a powerful healing modality that releases stress, lowers anxiety, improves focus and attention, releases blockages and emotional trauma, breathes new life into areas of stagnation and cultivates lightness, harmony and joy.
Research has also shown that drumming can synchronise the left and the right hemispheres of the brain and has a powerful ability to changes brain wave activity from Beta ( busy and active ) to Alpha ( calm and relaxed state of consciousness within minutes. Drumming can also increase white T-cells that help the body combat cancer and other viruses, boosts the immune system and can be more effective than antidepressants.
The Release Heal Renew drum circle meditation workshop has been created with these healing capacities in mind and provides a relaxed space from where a small group of women come together, in a modern setting, to explore and harness the healing power of this ancient practice. During this 2hr workshop everyone will learn how to play simple West African drumming rhythms with which we will then meditate, release stress, calm the busy mind and support each other through the collective process of releasing stagnant energies out of our bodies while inviting more lightness, harmony and joy inside.
Suitable for a small group of women from all walks of life at a beginner or experienced level of practice. Djembe drums will be provided. No experience required. Everyone will be able to play within minutes. Please be aware that this is a therapeutic, mindful and meditational space and is not an ordinary drum circle. No smoking, drinking or drug use allowed.
Who is this for? Yogis, spiritual warriors, wellness gurus and women interested in active vs sedentary meditation practice.
Release Heal Renew drum circle meditation will be held in Constantia and will be facilitated by Metka Zurman, a life coach, Trauma Release Provider® and Djembe player who has incorporated the healing power of drumming rhythms into her coaching practice.
Date TBC.
Wellbeing Investment R299. Booking essential due to limited space.